Big news for veterans who use cannabis for medical purposes: A recent Senate committee just approved a bill that could finally allow Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors to recommend medical marijuana to veterans in states where it’s legal. It’s a major step forward for vets who’ve been fighting for access to cannabis as a treatment for various conditions like PTSD and chronic pain. Let’s break down what this means and why it’s important.

The Bill: What’s Changing?

Right now, even if you’re a veteran living in a state where medical marijuana is perfectly legal, VA doctors are not allowed to recommend it. They can talk to you about it, sure, but they can’t actually write a recommendation or help you through the process of accessing medical cannabis. This has left many veterans stuck between a rock and a hard place—either turn to non-VA doctors for help (which often comes with extra costs) or miss out on a treatment that could make a huge difference.

But that could all change soon. The Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee passed a bill that would finally give VA doctors the power to recommend medical marijuana in states where it’s legal. This could make it way easier for veterans to access cannabis as part of their healthcare, without having to jump through so many hoops.

Why This Matters for Veterans

For many veterans, cannabis isn’t just about relaxation or recreation—it’s a lifeline. Studies and personal stories have shown that cannabis can be incredibly effective in managing symptoms like chronic pain, anxiety, and PTSD, which are common issues among veterans. In fact, the VA itself estimates that about 20 veterans die by suicide each day, and advocates argue that cannabis could be part of the solution to improve mental health outcomes for vets.

But up until now, the fact that VA doctors couldn’t recommend it meant that vets had to figure out how to get their medical marijuana recommendations elsewhere, often paying out-of-pocket for visits to civilian doctors. That’s not only inconvenient, but it can also be a barrier for veterans on fixed incomes. This bill could eliminate those extra hurdles.

A Long Time Coming

This isn’t the first time lawmakers have tried to push through a bill like this. Versions of this legislation have been floated around before, but this time, things seem more promising. As public opinion around cannabis continues to evolve, with more and more states legalizing its use, there’s a growing recognition that veterans should have access to all potential treatments available, including cannabis.

Support for the bill is strong, especially among veterans’ groups who’ve been advocating for cannabis access for years. But there’s still work to be done. The bill now heads to the full Senate, and then, of course, it would need to pass through the House and get signed by the president. So, while we’re not quite at the finish line yet, this is definitely a big step in the right direction.

What’s Next?

If this bill becomes law, veterans in states where medical marijuana is legal will finally have the opportunity to get recommendations directly from their VA doctors. It’s a move that could improve access, reduce costs, and ensure veterans get the care they deserve.

For now, though, it’s a waiting game. Advocates are hopeful, but nothing’s guaranteed until the bill passes all the necessary hurdles in Congress. In the meantime, veterans and supporters can continue to push for progress by contacting their lawmakers and expressing their support for the bill.

This bill is a huge deal for veterans who’ve been advocating for better access to medical cannabis. If passed, it could remove barriers, ease the burden of healthcare costs, and help those who’ve served our country access the treatments they need. That’s why Hightops offers Veterans 10% off every purchase.  Stay tuned—there could be some major changes on the horizon!